Online therapy

Online psychology services (also known as online counselling, e-therapy or tele-health) have become increasingly popular, and many ask if this is as effective as more traditional face-to-face therapies?

I am happy to say that there is a growing body of evidence that supports the use of online therapy, as a safe and effective way to engage with a professional (e.g. Mohr and his colleagues in 2013 found that an expert panel concluded that videoconferencing technologies are well-validated and effective to treat a broad range of mental health outcomes).


Advantages of online therapy, includes:

  • Increased access for people who are otherwise unable to attend therapy, including those who live in a remote location, or individuals with an illness that makes it difficult to attend appointments

  • Access for people who need to stay at home to care for children or elderly

  • The convenience of not having to travel to appointments

  • Access to therapy if you live overseas or travel regularly

  • People feeling more relaxed and comfortable, if they are in a familiar environment


However, online counselling is not suitable for:

  • People who have an active serious mental illness, who require more intensive support

  • Individuals who are at risk of harming themselves or others, who would also require more intensive support.

  • Emergency situations

  • Individuals under 16 years of age (although I am happy to support parents, and families together)


Preparing for your online counselling session

1.       Consider the environment that you will be in. It will be important that it is:

a.       Private, so you can talk freely

b.       Comfortable for you

c.       Set up with the expectation that you will not be interrupted or distracted for the time we are together. This is your time, and it is important!

2.       Access to the internet - the link to access online therapy will be sent to you via email prior to your appointment.

3.       You will need to a high-speed broadband connection, plus a webcam and microphone (either built in to your computer or added onto it). You can buy these accessories relatively inexpensively if you do not have them.

4.       Please note that there is always a risk of technology failing, however at our initial session, we can make a plan if this were to occur.

5.       If after trialling online counselling, you feel that this is not right for you, please talk to me about this, and we can discuss your concerns. If you are not able to feel comfortable, then we can develop another plan, so that you are able to feel supported.

6.       Online therapy is conducted in Melbourne, Australia - so if you live in a different time zone, please check the time before making your booking.

If you are unsure if online psychology services will be a good fit for you, please feel free to take advantage of accessing a free 15 minute phone call, and we can discuss if this service is right for you.